Read Me First                                        DFEDIT Version 2.3

                          DFEDIT Version 2.3 Changes

    This following changes have been made to the DFEDIT utilities. 


      1.  Faster  screen  i/o.   Both  the  IBM  and  TI versions have been
          modified to use a faster type of screen i/o.  Both  versions  now
          write  directly  to  the  video display RAM which produces a much
          faster screen paint.  But  on  the  IBM  version,  an  option  is
          provided  to  control the type of screen i/o.  This option can be
          included  on  the  command  line  for  the  SHOW,  SF,  and  EDIT
          utilities.  These options are described below. 

            /B    Use  BIOS  screen  i/o.   This  is  the  method  previous
                  versions used.  It is compatible with  the  EGA  display,
                  TopView   and   other  window  utilities,  and  most  IBM

            /D    Use Direct screen i/o.  This  produces  a  faster  screen
                  display  on  most IBM compatibles which have a monochrome
                  or color graphics type of display.  This  option  is  the
                  default in the current version. 

            /F    Use Fast direct screen i/o.  This method produces an even
                  faster   screen   display  for  color  graphics  type  of
                  displays.  But it may produce 'snow' or 'flicker' on  the
                  IBM color graphics display board. 

          Try  each option out on your machine and see which one works best
          for you. 

      2.  Context sensitive help.  A  single  help  file  is  used  by  all
          components  of  the  DFEDIT  programs.  The Help command has been
          added to almost every command line plus a Help  function  (Alt-H)
          has  been  added  to the Editor.  Each time Help is invoked, help
          information for that command line is  displayed.   You  can  then
          look  at  sub-topic information or look at the index for the help
          file which lets you get to all the subjects in the help file. 

      3.  Handles international character sets and special characters using
          'Alt' plus the keypad.  You can still use the Editor Modify  Keys
          Characters command to assign these special characters directly to
          function keys or alt keys. 

      4.  Improved prompt editing with the HOME and END keys.  The HOME key
          moves  to beginning of the prompt line.  The END key moves to the
          end of the current prompt value. 


      1.  Ability to edit files larger than memory.  This version  uses  an
          overflow  file  to save part of the file being edited when memory

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    Read Me First                                        DFEDIT Version 2.3

          gets full.  The method uses a overflow file  named  'EDITBUF.$OF'
          in the <dfedit> directory.  Remember you can specify the <dfedit>
          directory with the DFEDIT SET variable.  The file to be edited is
          now  limited by the amount of disk space and the amount of memory
          for the internal file list. 

      2.  Position relative/absolute.  The  Editor  now  supports  relative
          positioning  in  addition to just an absolute line number.  Use +
          or - to move relative to the current line.  The  last  number  is

      3.  Additional  processing  messages.   Many functions which may take
          several seconds, such as searching  for  a  string,  copying  and
          moving  blocks, and cleaning up memory after an edit session, now
          have informative messages  displayed  on  the  top  line  of  the


      1.  Better  documentation.   The  documentation has been improved for
          this utility. 

      2.  Additional commands.  Right margin justification can be turned on
          with the adjust (.ad) command and turned off with the  no  adjust
          (.na)  command.  Printer specific escape sequences can be sent to
          the printer without having them affect the line length.  Use  the
          printer  control  (.pc  string)  command to embed printer control
          escape sequences into your output text. 

    Show File
    ____ ____

      1.  Find command.  A Find command has been added  to  the  Show  File
          utility  which  searches  for  a  string in the current file.  It
          starts its search after the top line of the display.  The  search
          string  can also have some special wildcard or repeat characters.
          See documentation for more information. 

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